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Guest Post - Summer Intern Lin


Hi, everyone. My name is Lin, the summer intern student of ALS Double Play. I would like to share some of my experiences working for ALS Double Play with their founder, Cherrie-Marie Chiu.

To be honest, I was extremely nervous before I interviewed with Cherrie. Luckily, my worry was totally unnecessary because I have a great boss!

The first time I came to the ALS Double Play’s activity was the Yoga Event. Although the weather of that morning was incredible cold and raining all the day, the volunteers and the participants still came on time without any complaint.

Since I officially worked for ALS Double Play, most of my mission was preparing for the Intentional Walk for ALS in June. What the volunteers and participants experienced on Walk day was just half of the work and effort, the whole preparation started in the winter!

On the Walk day, I was surprised by the high engagement and positivity of the whole volunteer group, included family, friends, and lots of new blood. All those factors built the great working atmosphere of ALS Double Play. Compared to a traditional charity, they all share the same goals with ALS Double Play: to raise awareness of this little known disease and to support ALS research, which is quite valuable for each non-profit organization.

I guess all this is in thanks due to Christopher. He connects everyone, each volunteer, each participant, and me; he lives everywhere, on the postcard, in the video, on the T-shirt, in everyone’s brain. I never meet Christopher, but I feel like I have known him for couple years. I guess that is the unique part of ALS Double Play; we have a soul and share the same goal.

I have also had the opportunity to see a few people sharing their own ALS stories, how they fight and lose someone eventually due to the damn ALS. They lost, they share, then they pass away. Consequently, they join ALS Double Play and we flight ALS together. Thank you Lolo and David, and other individuals who have shared their memories of ALS which improve the awareness and understanding for this mysterious disease.

Non-profits are something totally different in this world of the economic market. Society needs the non-profits to fix the shortages, in operations, in research and more. ALS Double Play is needed by the ALS community, as well as each member of this society.

In June, Cherrie and I also built a new social media platform, a WeChat Official Account. Developing in the most diverse city in the world, ALS Double Play takes care to try and include each background community in Canada. Although ALS Double Play is still a small charity, they want to reach the world.

I am so proud of my career choice and glad that I have had the opportunity to work with ALS Double Play. What I earned is not just the working experience, but also a family, as well as a faith: do some social good for the society to make this world better.

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