As we come to the close of another decade, we have so much to look back on and be thankful for.
It was the beginning of the decade in October 2011 that our first President and Inspiration, Christopher Chiu was diagnosed with the horrible disease ALS. Christopher and his family were in shock, in disbelief, and overwhelmed, to say the least. However, the more the family learned about the disease, and as Christopher’s family and friends began to fundraise for the disease, the more his sister Cherrie-Marie realized she needed to do something substantial to help.
It took a bit of a leap of faith, a lot of research, and people telling her it was impossible, to make ALS Double Play come to life in the summer of 2014.
Impossible is a state of mind.
ALS Double Play would focus on two things: raising ALS awareness and supporting ALS research.
Christopher’s greatest fear was that his family and friends would stop talking about ALS after he passed. He said that if we did that, nothing would change for the disease. If everyone stopped talking about the disease or him because it was too painful, no one would know his story, his struggle and his deep desire to eradicate ALS for future generations.
Christopher believed so strongly in ALS research that when he passed in October 2016, he donated both his spinal cord and brain to research. It is only through research that we will one day find a cure or effective treatment for ALS.
ALS Double Play has completed the funding of a three-year fellowship for ALS research and has just embarked on their second fellowship agreement. The Christopher Chiu Fellowship for ALS research is awarded to a post-doctoral student at Canada’s largest and most internationally published ALS research lab, located at the University of Toronto.
ALS Double Play’s first five years were made successful because of the support of their friends and family. We thank them immensely this Christmas season for their belief in us, for their donations, for their love and unwavering support.
Today there are many new promising therapeutics on the horizon for ALS. Additionally, our Christopher Chiu Fellow, Dr. Philip McGoldrick has made exciting new findings with gene C9orf72 and its role in ALS.
We have big plans for 2020 and look forward to what the next decade brings us. We hope to see you soon! In the meantime, we wish you and yours a very safe and Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all the best for 2020.